Phone: (843) 650-3232  -  3975 Dick Pond Rd, Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 

 Phone: (843) 650-3232  -  3975 Dick Pond Rd, Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

We value our patients' experience at O'Neill Chiropractic. If you are currently a chiropractic patient, please feel free to complete the following Client Experience Questionnaire. 

Dr O’Neill has been my Doctor for 20 years! I am on the annual plan to see him weekly for an adjustment, he is always there for me when an unexpected sciatica pain needs a deep tissue laser treatment. He continually is up on the latest technology ,and his kindness,understanding and skill with a big smile or laugh keeps me in good health!

Judith L

Everyone in the office is friendly and welcoming. Dr. Tim takes the time to listen to his patients concerns. He strives to educate his patients so they have the tools to achieve a greater level of wellness.

Tina O

Always a great Experience, friendly personnel & a pleasure to get adjusted to keep me healthy! I’ve been attending Tim’s services for years & will continue to do so!
Thanks Tim!

Gene B.

I have been going to Dr. O’Neill for 26 years and have always been completely satisfied with my care there! I go weekly for back and neck maintenance, gotten stim therapy for more severe issues, have done laser therapy for my plantar fasciitis, and I buy my CBD products there. Everyone there is extremely caring and personable, highly recommend!

Darcy J

I have been having severe pain due to plantar fasciitis since January of this year. I have spent a small fortune on doctor appts, cortisone shots, shoe inserts and ultrasound therapy with no relief. During an appointment with Dr. Tim a few weeks ago, I brought up my foot pain and he suggested using his new laser treatment. I figured what could it hurt, nothing else was helping. It was amazing! My foot pain diminished dramatically after only 3 treatments. I’ve now had a total of 6 treatments and I am walking more normally. I highly recommend it. The only thing you have to lose is your pain!

Lorie L

I am a new patient at O’Neill Chiropractic and have only been in twice thus far but my 1st two visits have been awesome! The staff is very friendly, helpful and welcoming and greeted me with a smile! Dr. O’Neill is attentive, focused and very thorough and professional with his examination. He took his time with all of the testing and answered all of my questions. He assessed my health issues and did all of the pertinent test on my 1st visit and on my second visit he went over all of my results before moving on to my adjustment. I was pretty nervous about the adjustment as it is kind of scary getting your neck adjusted! To my relief Dr. O’Neill was very easy with my 1st adjustment and I had very little soreness afterwards and even had some relief after only one adjustment! I am positive that I’m one of his most difficult patients with multiple issues of my cervical and lumbar spine, shoulders, arms and hands! With all of this being said, I feel Dr. O’Neill is the professional that will be able to help me. One last important thing………….Dr. O’Neill has a great personality and “bedside manner” and seems to really care about you as a patient! I am so thankful I found him!

Tina H

A Wonderful Place!

Dr. Tim’s office is a wonderful place! My mother, son and I have all become patients recently. We all feel better already!

~ Vivian F. (Jan 6/14)

Greatest Help

The greatest help with my back I have ever received. Definitely referring more people to the clinic.

~ Ryan B (Nov 6/13)

Very Impressed

Very impressed. Hope you can fix up this old man. no soreness from today.

~ Mac J (Oct 25/13)

Chiropractic Review from a Skeptic

My name is Marian Shelton, and I was a scoffer—a skeptic with chronic bursitis, food intolerance and a stiff neck. Now a convert, I’ll tout the praises of chiropractic care to anyone who mentions an aching back, digestion problems, allergies or just the discomfort of daily life. I am reformed! I am happily experiencing “optimal health!” This is my story.

In my late twenties, my knee gave out suddenly and painfully. Surgery to “loosen” my improperly floating knee cap resulted, with all the months of therapy to go with it. A couple of years later, while at recess duties with my fifth graders, I took a hard fall onto the packed clay ground, landing with a student on top of my twisted torso. Three ribs popped out of joint. I “suddenly” developed intolerance to several foods, foods that I had enjoyed all my life. Garlic and onions and most certainly MSG brought severe gastronomical reactions, equivalent to food poisoning. My GP was mystified, the gastroenterologist said all looked fine. It was just “one of those things.”

Raking my yard one afternoon landed me in physical therapy for a frozen shoulder for months. I couldn’t turn my head to see to back my car out of the driveway. Things were never the same after that. And let’s not even get me started on my recurring sinusitis and hay fever!

Yet none of this moved me to where I am now. I had to wait until bursitis in my hips and shoulders kept me awake at night. I had to wait until I had been on several ineffective steroidal treatments, until I had been through two unsuccessful rounds of physical therapy and endured several unbelievably painful shots directly into my hip bursas until I screamed, or maybe it was more a whimpered “ENOUGH!”

Let me shorten this story by getting to the happy ending. Under ‘s care, my subluxations are gone, I’m enjoying pizza and pickles again, and Claritin is no longer part of my daily regimen. I start each week with a chiropractic adjustment and I feel healthier than I have in twenty years. My family is happy is for me, and thankful. I still have tenderness in my hips, but no pain. Occasionally I’ll have a flare up of the pain in my shoulder, yet as our good doctor explains, we’re dealing with years of misalignments and my body is stubborn. Yet there are two of us against one, and my body is coming around. Dr. O’Neill and I are definitely winning! Actually, I’m the winner all the way around.

~Marian Shelton

Myrtle Beach Chiropractor Review My Pain is Gone

I began getting chiropractic adjustments when I was very young and have been to see chiropractors off and on throughout my life. My mother was very much into healthy living and organic gardening in the 70s. It seemed chiropractic care went hand in hand with this lifestyle. Several years ago, after relocating to South Carolina, my friend Steve Holder referred me to Dr. O’Neill when I was suffering with chronic neck and back pain and headaches. In a very short period of time I was headache and pain free.

Dr. O’Neill spends time with me talking about exercise and vitamin supplements which compliment my chiropractic care. Because I do not have health insurance that covers chiropractic care paying any health care bills is a concern. But Dr. O’Neill has set up 2 easy monthly payment plans. I chose the one that worked best for me and paying for my chiropractic care is never a worry. Thank you Dr. O’Neill for giving to me many years of feeling so much better!

~Diane Nordeen

Curiosity Brought me to Chiropractic Care

Growing up as an only child, I was so fortunate to have parents who provided for me an environment of physical activity in my daily life. These positive habits stayed with me through high school and college. Then I married a man with these same attributes of being physically healthy and this encouraged me to continue being active.

This is what first brought me to O’Neill Chiropractic. Because my husband loved long distance running and wanted to stay fit, he achieved his good health by receiving adjustments from Dr. O’Neill. Out of curiosity, I accompanied him to one of his sessions so I could observe the procedure, but I was not convinced that this could help someone with constant aches and pains. Taking a pill seemed so much easier.

Little did I know then, how wrong I was! Through aging and continuous daily exercise, I began to feel aches that were new to me. So, my path to a cure was to go to a doctor who put me on medicine and physical therapy. This continued for months and the pain did not subside. My neck and right shoulder hurt so badly, my life was truly affected. I had certainly taken the wrong path.

What else could I do? After much encouragement from my husband, I changed my course and made an appointment with Dr. O’Neill. That was truly a great decision in my life. He analyzed my situation and knew exactly how he could help me.

That was over 12 years ago and I will always be so grateful for continuing good health because of Dr. O’Neill. All this improvement has happened without medication. The realignment of my spine has been the answer.

The most important thing I can say is, that even though all these aches and pains are gone, I continue my visits with Dr. O’Neill every two weeks. I know if I don’t, I am very certain my previous problems will return.

Having reached my 70th year and still able to walk 3 miles, I commend O’Neill Chiropractic for protecting and maintaining my mobility. Thank you, Dr. O’Neill.

~A very grateful patient, Milly Vaughn

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:00 pm


8:00 to 10:00





8:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm
8:00 to 10:00


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